Kara Weisman

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Kara Weisman

[email: kgweisman at gmail] [cv: pdf] [Google Scholar: profile]

I study folk theories and their role in shaping people’s behaviors, relationships, and experiences. I am particularly interested in the ways in which conceptual representations do and do not vary across development, across cultural settings, and across individuals.

I am currently the postdoctoral project director for the Developing Belief Network. In Summer 2025, I will begin a new position as a preceptor of quantitative psychology in the Psychology Department at Harvard University.


Starting in Fall 2025, I will be the instructor of record for PSY 1900: Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (offered every semester). I will also be teaching an advanced undergraduate-level tutorial in statistics starting in Spring 2026 (topic TBD).

Prior to joining the Psychology Department at Harvard University, I taught the following courses as a graduate student at Stanford University:

PSYCH 141: Cognitive Development

PSYCH 10/STATS 60: Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus [course website]

PSYCH 113S: Developmental Psychology [syllabus] [lectures]

PSYCH 253: Statistical Theory, Models, & Methodology [course website]

PSYCH 175: Early Learning and Social Cognition

PSYCH 60: Introduction to Developmental Psychology [syllabus] [instructional videos]

PSYCH 252: Statistical Methods for Behavioral & Social Sciences [course website]